How We Help

Intake360™ represents the next generation in case intake, advertising services and marketing analytics.


intake 360™ by ibex

IBEX is reinventing the intake and marketing process. Our proprietary combination of software, analytics and training provide our plaintiff-side clients with the highest level of ROI with detailed reporting to ensure every dollar is maximized.

1. deploy

Launch new data-driven marketing campaigns based on analysis of past performance data. 

2. analyze

Normalize and review key metrics from campaigns at specific time intervals from all marketing sources.

3. benchmark

Compare current campaign metrics against historical performance of similar campaigns. 

4. improve

Update messaging, ad creatives, audiences, and channels as data suggests.

5. train

Provide training to IBEX intake team with on-site mass tort experts to better qualify cases.


data driven, results-focused intake

Intake360™ from IBEX runs circles around traditional intake strategies, thanks to our strategy that centers on real-time analytics and training. Our intake team will ensure every ad dollar drives strong ROI.

  • 24/7 Operations
  • Bilingual Staffing
  • SMS Messaging
  • Dead lead follow-up

Elevated Marketing Strategies

Whether using your marketing services provider or ours, IBEX integrates intake data with campaign strategies in real time.

Paid Social Media

The practice of advertisers paying for the placement and promotion of their content on social media platforms to reach and engage with a targeted audience.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube

Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click (PPC) is an online advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked, driving targeted traffic to their website or landing page.

  • Google
  • Bing

Landing Pages

Landing pages are standalone web pages specifically designed to convert visitors into leads or customers by providing focused and persuasive information or offers.

  • Design and Development
  • A/B Testing
  • Analytics


Traditional marketing refers to conventional advertising methods used to promote services to a wide audience.

  • TV
  • Radio
  • Print
  • Outdoor

Direct Mail

Direct mail refers to the marketing strategy of sending physical promotional materials, such as postcards or brochures, directly to potential clients' mailboxes.

  • Full Service
  • Design
  • Print
  • Shipping